* Nominations are open for the Toolforge standards committee at

The Toolforge standards committee [0] (née Tool Labs standards
committee) was established in 2017 following a membership nomination
process in December 2016.[1] There have been no formal membership
changes in the subsequent 7.5 years. As one might imagine, a number of
the highly active Toolforge members who formed the original committee
have since drifted away from the project as their personal lives and
interests have changed. Those that are still active within the
movement seem to have drifted away from this particular functionary

I feel both grateful to those who have served for so long and
responsible for not helping them transition away more gracefully prior
to now. It is long past time for us to thank Eranroz, Huji, Ladsgroup,
Matanya, Quiddity, and Zhuyifei1999 for their efforts and find a new
set of folks to carry on the work of the committee.

The committee's primary duties are to oversee the Right to fork
policy[2] and Abandoned tool policy[3]. The committee is also
encouraged to implement additional programs designed to promote and
improve the use of Toolforge for the benefit of the Wikimedia

Nominations are being collected on Wikitech.[4] Any Toolforge project
member with a Developer account not blocked in any Wikimedia technical
space is eligible for nomination. Self-nominations are acceptable.
Nominations by a third party should be counter-signed by the nominee
to indicate they would accept the responsibility and be willing to
sign the Volunteer NDA.[5] Nominations will remain open until at least


Bryan Davis                                        Wikimedia Foundation
Principal Software Engineer                               Boise, ID USA
[[m:User:BDavis_(WMF)]]                                      irc: bd808
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