On Friday, June 10, 2016 at 3:03:38 PM UTC-7, Francis Avila wrote:
> A higher-order function can do what this macro does: 
> https://gist.github.com/favila/ecdd031e22426b93a78f

Oh nice! It looks like I came up with an almost identical solution:
(defn transducing
  (fn [reducing-fn]
      ([] (reducing-fn))
      ([result] (reducing-fn result))
      ([result input] (f result input reducing-fn)))))

It feels like "writing a custom transducer" should be a common use case, is 
there anything like these functions we've written that exists in the core 
library? I didn't see anything like them there or in the reducers library 
when I first started on my project.

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