Test passed code, but I don't know about performance.

(defn consolidate-events [series]
  (reduce (fn [result cur]
            (let [prev (last result)]
                (nil? prev)
                (conj result cur)
                (= (:value prev) (:value cur))
                (conj (vec (butlast result)) cur)
                (conj result cur)))) [] series))

2016年5月17日火曜日 18時47分06秒 UTC+9 Simon Brooke:
> I'm having trouble with writing a function
>    1. in idiomatic clojure
>    2. which doesn't blow the stack
> The problem is I have a time series of events e.g.
> ({:idhistory 78758272, :timestamp #inst 
> "2016-03-31T19:34:27.313000000-00:00", :nameid 5637, :stringvalue nil, 
> :value 8000.0} 
>  {:idhistory 78756591, :timestamp #inst 
> "2016-03-31T19:33:31.697000000-00:00", :nameid 5637, :stringvalue nil, 
> :value 7368.0} 
>  {:idhistory 78754249, :timestamp #inst 
> "2016-03-31T19:32:17.100000000-00:00", :nameid 5637, :stringvalue nil, 
> :value 6316.0} 
>  {:idhistory 78753165, :timestamp #inst 
> "2016-03-31T19:31:41.843000000-00:00", :nameid 5637, :stringvalue nil, 
> :value 5263.0} 
>  {:idhistory 78751187, :timestamp #inst 
> "2016-03-31T19:30:36.213000000-00:00", :nameid 5637, :stringvalue nil, 
> :value 4211.0}
>  {:idhistory 78749476, :timestamp #inst 
> "2016-03-31T19:29:41.363000000-00:00", :nameid 5637, :stringvalue nil, 
> :value 3158.0} ...)
> which is to say, each event is a map, and each event has two critical 
> keys, :timestamp and :value. The series is sorted in descending order by 
> timestamp, i.e. most recent event first. These series are of up to millions 
> of events; the average length of the series is about half a million events. 
> However, many contain successive events at which the value does not change, 
> and where the value doesn't change I want to retain only the first event.
> So far what I've got is:
> (defn consolidate-events
>   "Return a time series like this `series`, but without those events whose 
> value is
>    identical to the value of the preceding event."
>   [series]
>   (let [[car cadr & cddr] series]
>     (cond
>       (empty? series) series
>       (=
>         (get-value-for-event car)
>         (get-value-for-event cadr)) (consolidate-events (rest series))
>       true (cons car (consolidate-events (rest series))))))
> Obviously, with millions of events or even merely hundreds of thousands, a 
> recursive function blows the stack. Furthermore, this one isn't even tail 
> call optimisable. I tried creating an inner function which I naively 
> thought should be tail call optimisable, but it fails 'Can only recur from 
> tail position':
> (defn consolidate-events
>   "Return a time series like this `series`, but without those events whose 
> value is
>   identical to the value of the preceding event."
>   [series]
>   (remove
>     nil?
>     (let [inner (fn [series]
>                   (let [[car cadr & cddr] series]
>                     (if
>                       (not (empty? series))
>                       ;; then
>                       (cons
>                         (if
>                           (= (get-value-for-event car)
>                              (get-value-for-event cadr))
>                           ;; then
>                           nil
>                           ;; else
>                           car)
>                         (if
>                           (not (empty? series))
>                           (recur (rest series)))))))]
>     (inner series))))
> Test for the function is as follows:
> (deftest consolidate-events-test
>   (testing "consolidate-events"
>     (let [s1 [{:timestamp #inst "2016-03-31T19:34:27.313000000-00:00", 
> :value 8000.0}
>               {:timestamp #inst "2016-03-31T19:33:31.697000000-00:00", 
> :value 7368.0}
>               {:timestamp #inst "2016-03-31T19:32:17.100000000-00:00", 
> :value 6316.0}
>               {:timestamp #inst "2016-03-31T19:31:41.843000000-00:00", 
> :value 5263.0}
>               {:timestamp #inst "2016-03-31T19:30:36.213000000-00:00", 
> :value 4211.0}
>               {:timestamp #inst "2016-03-31T19:29:41.363000000-00:00", 
> :value 3158.0}]
>           s2 [{:timestamp #inst "2016-03-31T19:34:27.313000000-00:00", 
> :value 8000.0}
>               {:timestamp #inst "2016-03-31T19:33:31.697000000-00:00", 
> :value 7368.0}
>               {:timestamp #inst "2016-03-31T19:33:17.100000000-00:00", 
> :value 6316.0}
>               {:timestamp #inst "2016-03-31T19:32:27.100000000-00:00", 
> :value 6316.0}
>               {:timestamp #inst "2016-03-31T19:32:17.100000000-00:00", 
> :value 6316.0}
>               {:timestamp #inst "2016-03-31T19:31:41.843000000-00:00", 
> :value 5263.0}
>               {:timestamp #inst "2016-03-31T19:30:36.213000000-00:00", 
> :value 4211.0}
>               {:timestamp #inst "2016-03-31T19:29:41.363000000-00:00", 
> :value 3158.0}]]
>       (is (= s1 (consolidate-events s1)) "There are no events in s1 that 
> can be consolidated")
>       (is (= s1 (consolidate-events s2)) "When consolidated, s2 = s1")
>       (is (not (= s2 (consolidate-events s2))) "When consolidated, s2 no 
> longer equals s2"))))
> Any help gratefully accepted! 

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