Ooops - my apologies (attempted correction below)

Here is a horribly contrived example (sorry, that's all I can come up 
withht now rig) using recur across different arities of the same function, 
together with trampoline.

(defn is-odd?
   (cond (< n 0) true
         (even? n) #(is-odd? (dec n) true)
         :else (recur (- n 2))))
  ([n even?]
     even? #(not (is-odd? (dec n)))
    (< n 0) true       
    (zero? n) false
    :else (recur (- n 2) false))))

=>(trampoline is-odd? 3)
=> true
=>(trampoline is-odd? 40)
=> false
=>(trampoline is-odd? 41 false)
=> true

So I don't see why you can't avoid stack consumption using recur anywhere, 
including across multiple arities with trampoline - just wrap the whole 
thing in a trampoline call  e.g. in andmed's example:
(although I don't understand the logic well)
(defn find-comment-in-line
    ([s] (when (pos? (count s))
      (if-let [cs (seq (comment-s? s))]
          (subs s (count (first cs)))
          (if-let [qs (seq (quote-s? s))]
              #(find-comment-in-line (subs s 1) qs)
              (recur (subs s 1))))))

     ([s q] (when (pos? (count s))
     (if-let [qs (seq (quote-s? s))]
         (if (= qs q)
           #(find-comment-in-line (subs s 1))
           (recur (subs s 1) q))))))

=> (trampoline find-comment-in-line ...)

On Wednesday, April 20, 2016 at 4:26:21 PM UTC-4, 
> I don't think you're missing anything James. It does not look like this 
> example uses trampoline with the intended effect. 
> On Wednesday, April 20, 2016 at 2:45:05 PM UTC-4, James Elliott wrote:
>> Does trampoline really help in this case? I don’t see where we are ever 
>> returning a new function for trampoline to call, avoiding a new stack 
>> frame. It seems to me no different than simply calling the other arities 
>> directly in this example. What am I missing?
>> On Wednesday, April 20, 2016 at 12:00:35 PM UTC-5, J.-F. Rompre wrote:
>>> You can prevent stack consumption by using trampoline for tail-recursive 
>>> calls to a different arity, and recur for same arity, something like:
>>> (defn find-comment-in-line
>>>     ([s] (when (pos? (count s))
>>>       (if-let [cs (seq (comment-s? s))]
>>>          ;; yes, a comment symbol found,
>>>          ;; just return the remainder of a string
>>>           (subs s (count (first cs)))
>>>          ;; no, lets check for an opening quote
>>>           (if-let [qs (seq (quote-s? s))]
>>>               ;; yes, an opening quote found,
>>>               ;; now go look for an end quote
>>>               (trampoline find-comment-in-line (subs s 1) qs)
>>>               ;; no, just some other symbol found,
>>>               ;; check for the rest
>>>               (recur (subs s 1))))))
>>>      ([s q] (when (pos? (count s))
>>>      ;; lets check if it is a quote
>>>      (if-let [qs (seq (quote-s? s))]
>>>          ;; is it a closing quote?
>>>          (if (= qs q)
>>>            ;; yes, lets check for the rest
>>>            (trampoline find-comment-in-line (subs s 1))
>>>            ;; no, just ignore the symbol,
>>>            ;;continue looking for a closing quote
>>>            (recur (subs s 1) q))))))
>>> On Tuesday, April 19, 2016 at 11:18:40 AM UTC-4, andmed wrote:
>>>> Thank you. That the point. If "recur" binds to fn, why it can not know 
>>>> the binding point as the function method based on the number of arguments 
>>>> passed to it? I mean it is clear that Clojure can't do that, but I can see 
>>>> no reason why it could or should not if we choose to implement such 
>>>> syntactic nicety as recur in a function

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