That is indeed a useful library for wiring things up at init-time, but it
doesn't help at all for run-time wiring, like transactions.
On 1 Aug 2015 07:33, "Jo Geraerts" <> wrote:

> Hello,
> I think you are coming to a point where you might want to consider Stuart
> Sierra's component library.
> A dynamic var is kind of thread-bounded global state, which is to be
> avoided.
> There is a nice talk to go with it
> Kr,
> Jo
> Op vrijdag 31 juli 2015 02:44:31 UTC+2 schreef J. Pablo Fernández:
>> Hello Clojurians,
>> I found passing around the database connection to each function that uses
>> it very error prone when you are using transactions as passing the wrong
>> one could mean a query runs outside the transaction when in the source code
>> it is inside the with-db-transaction function. So I ended up defining the
>> db namespace like this:
>> (ns db)
>> (defonce ^:dynamic conn (atom nil))
>> (defn connect!
>>   (reset conn (generate-new-connection)))
>> (defn run-query
>>   [query] (run-query query @conn)
>>   [query conn] (run-the-query-in-connection query conn))
>> This is pseudo-code of course, simplified to highlight the part that I'm
>> most unfamiliar with:
>> (defonce ^:dynamic conn (atom nil))
>> The reason why it's an atom is so that connect! can *set* it and the
>> reason why it's a dynamic var is so I can do this:
>> (jdbc/with-db-transaction
>>         [db-connection-with-transaction @db/conn]
>>         (binding [db/conn (atom db-connection-with-transaction)]
>>           (db/run-query "SELECT *"))))))
>> and the query will be implicitly run inside the transaction. Does it make
>> sense? Is this wrong? will it fail in unexpected ways? Is there a better
>> way?
>> Thanks.
>> --
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