On Thursday, May 14, 2015 at 8:45:09 PM UTC-4, Lee wrote:
> Thanks Colin and also Alex and Andy. 
> I'm trying to determine a reasonable way to do this without reading a book 
> about it. 
> It sounds like I should use ^:replace, -server, and also 
> -XX:-TieredCompilation (is that right, the way I've changed + to -?), and 
> also -XX:+AggressiveOpts. Does it make sense to use all of these together? 
> And maybe I should get rid of "-XX:+UseG1GC", since I'm not really sure if 
> that's a good thing. 
> Assuming that none of those things use as big a chunk of RAM as is 
> available, I guess I should keep my messy code for the memory options. 
> So that would mean that overall I'd do the following to maximize 
> performance on long-running, compute-intensive, memory-intensive runs: 
>   :jvm-opts ^:replace ~(let [mem-to-use 
>                              (long (* (.getTotalPhysicalMemorySize 
> (java.lang.management.ManagementFactory/getOperatingSystemMXBean)) 
>                                       0.8))] 
>                          [(str "-Xmx" mem-to-use) 
>                           (str "-Xms" mem-to-use) 
>                           "-server" 
>                           "-XX:-TieredCompilation" 
>                           "-XX:+AggressiveOpts"]) 
> Seem reasonable? 
Umm, the :replace metadata needs to be on the vector. Attaching it to the 
let form won't do much of anything useful. So:

 :jvm-opts ~(let [mem-to-use
                   (long (* (.getTotalPhysicalMemorySize
               ^:replace [(str "-Xmx" mem-to-use)
                          (str "-Xms" mem-to-use)

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