I'm somewhat late to the party, but what the hey - it's a quiet Sunday 
afternoon, and for my own amusement I came up with:

(defn spaces [n] (apply str (take n (repeat "."))))

(defn n->a [n] (char (+ n (int \A))))

(defn a->n [a] (- (int a) (int \A)))

(defn gap [n] (spaces (dec (* 2 n))))

(defn diamond [c]
  (let [l (a->n c)]
    (when (<= (a->n \A) l (a->n \Z))
      (doseq [i (range l)] (println (str (spaces (- l i)) (n->a i) (gap i) 
(when-not (zero? i) (n->a i)))))
      (println (str c (spaces (dec (* 2 l))) (when-not (= \A c))))
      (doseq [i (reverse (range l))] (println (str (spaces (- l i)) (n->a 
i) (gap i) (when-not (zero? i) (n->a i))))))))
Normally I'd add a few comments to this code , especially the diamond 
function - which is at the limit of the density I feel comfortable with. 
That said - it seems to work.

What I find interesting about this is the length of the code compared with 
the various Java solutions I looked at; looks like Paul Graham was right:


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