To avoid the doall-concat, you'd just have the base case return [] (btw,
you don't need the apostrophe for vectors or for the empty list), and use
`into` rather than `concat`.

If you're looking for something that exploits the structure of flatten and
uses an accumulator, you could do this:

(defn my-flatten
  (letfn [(my-flatten-aps [xs avec]
            (if (empty? xs)
              (let [x (first xs), ys (rest xs)]
                (if (sequential? x)
                  (if (seq x)
                    (recur (cons (first x) (cons (rest x) ys)) avec)
                    (recur ys avec))
                  (recur ys (conj avec x))))))]
    (my-flatten-aps xs [])))

The idea is that if you have a non-empty sequence in the first position,
you pull out its first element and stick it on the front of the overall

So ((1 2 3) 4 5) will recur as (1 (2 3) 4 5).
The next go around will pick up that 1 is atomic and add it to the
accumulator, and so on.

If you have an empty sequence in the first position, you just skip over it

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