Will there be a forum to ask questions about the videos? 

And will the code be available (although I think rewriting it may reforce 
learning sometimes I won't have the time)? 

Thanks !!

Juan Manuel

El jueves, 22 de mayo de 2014 00:32:55 UTC+2, tbc++ escribió:
> From time to time I get asked to do more writing on core.async, and I've 
> come to the realization that try as I might, I'm not a writer. However I 
> recently started a set of video tutorials I'm making available today.
> The videos average about 12min in length and focus on a single topic. 
> Currently I have 5 videos on core.async completed and two on logic 
> programming. I plan on expanding both series over time. My plans are to 
> release 2-3 videos a week but that may change over time. 
> At any rate, the videos are available here (
> https://tbaldridge.pivotshare.com/). Yes, there is a small charge for the 
> majority of the videos, but think of it as a way to prod me to make more 
> tutorials. 
> Thanks! And hopefully this will be useful to some. 
> Timothy Baldridge

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