I know they also have Mongo and Neo4j available on Heroku, but neither of those 
are supported as a Datomic back end.  Postgres will work with Datomic just 
fine, though.  The only hitch with Heroku is that I'm not sure how to go about 
deploying a transactor.  Maybe someone has done it and blogged about it (i 
haven't looked), otherwise you'll have to figure it out on your own.

If you go the AWS route, there is good documentation for configuring Dynamo and 
deploying a transactor on the Datomic site.  Then you could deploy your peer 
through Beanstalk and you're good to go.

That's the route I'm planning to take, but I'm still weeks away from setting up 
a staging environment.  When I do get to that point, I can share my experience 
and any "gotchas" I encounter.  If you get there first, or especially if you 
figure out how to do it on Heroku, maybe you could do the same?

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