Hi, folks, we just released clj-cn-nlp version 0.2.1, a Clojure NLP wrapper based on Stanford-CoreNLP for Simplified Chinese users.
Three default Chinese language model was shipped with this wrapper to provide: - seg: Chinese word segmentation - ner: Chinese naming entity recognition - tag: Chinese POS tagging In this release, the API dose not change, but we simplified the implementation a lot, remove reflection and customised class loading in code, and in the meantime the performance should be better than the previous release. Add below dependency in your project.clj [com.guokr/clj-cn-nlp "0.2.1"] And then in repl you will see > (use 'com.guokr.nlp.seg) > (use 'com.guokr.nlp.ner) > (use 'com.guokr.nlp.tag) > (seg "Clojure是由里奇·希基发明的一门编程语言,它的开发者已经遍布世界,渗入到各个应用领域!") > "Clojure 是 由 里 奇·希基 发明 的 一 门 编程 语言 , 它 的 开发者 已经 遍布 世界 , 渗入 到 各个 应用 领域 !" > (ner "Clojure是由多才多艺的瑞奇·希基发明的一门编程语言,它的开发者已经遍布世界,渗入到各个应用领域!") > "Clojure/O 是/O 由/O 多才多艺/O 的/O 瑞奇/PERSON·/O希基/PERSON 发明/O 的/O 一/O 门/O 编程/O > 语言/O ,/O 它/O 的/O 开发者/O 已经/O 遍布/O 世界/O ,/O 渗入/O 到/O 各个/O 应用/O 领域/O !/O" > (tag "Clojure是由多才多艺的瑞奇·希基发明的一门编程语言,它的开发者已经遍布世界,渗入到各个应用领域!") > "Clojure#NR 是#VC 由#P 多才多艺#VV 的#DEC 瑞奇·希基#NR 发明#VV 的#DEC 一#CD 门#M 编程#NN 语言#NN > ,#PU 它#PN 的#DEG 开发者#NN 已经#AD 遍布#VV 世界#NN ,#PU 渗入#VV 到#VV 各个#DT 应用#NN 领域#NN > !#PU" Any comments and bugfix are welcomed! Regards, Mingli -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Clojure" group. To post to this group, send email to clojure@googlegroups.com Note that posts from new members are moderated - please be patient with your first post. To unsubscribe from this group, send email to clojure+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com For more options, visit this group at http://groups.google.com/group/clojure?hl=en --- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Clojure" group. To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email to clojure+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com. For more options, visit https://groups.google.com/d/optout.