At the moment I have the following:
    (def numbers     '(4 6 8 10))

    (doseq [number numbers]
           (foo number))

The call foo generates some output, but I also want to save the time it
took for the call to complete. At the moment I am thinking about
something like:
    (def numbers     '(4 6 8 10))

    (def ^:dynamic needed-times ())
    (doseq [number numbers]
           (let [start (now)]
                (foo number)
                (def ^:dynamic needed-times
                               (cons (- (.getTimeInMillis (now))
(.getTimeInMillis start))

But it looks a 'little' cumbersome. Is there a better way to do this?

Also if I need to use several points in time, do I keep nesting 'let',
or is there a better way?

Cecil Westerhof

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