I find Haskell syntax completely unreadable. Just saying....
On Apr 5, 2014 11:36 AM, "Travis Wellman" <twell...@gmail.com> wrote:

> When I started learning Haskell after a year or more of Clojure, the
> syntax was refreshing, and I found myself wishing I could write Clojure
> with Haskell syntax.
> Later I left Clojure behind for plain Java because of code maintenance
> issues. I had been writing elegant but deeply nested Clojure code that was
> very difficult to read and realized that Clojure nurtures this propensity
> in its users. Though it's possible to write flatter more linear, more
> readable, more maintainable code, I didn't really want to, and other
> languages are designed for such.
> Now I'm coming back to those old discoveries again, and thinking about
> Clojure, and wondering how much work it would be to write a new Haskell-ish
> syntax for using Clojure. I was just looking at core.logic tests, which are
> a perfect example of hard-to-read, using single letter variables, few
> newlines, and zero comments.
> To be clear, in this topic I'm not interested in the functional purity of
> Haskell, nor it's libraries or type system, but just the syntax.
> Has anyone had a similar experience?
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