It seems that this is independent of where I run the project. It happens 
with default project, which has no ":eval-in :trampoline" in it:

*$ lein new my-project$ cat my-project/project.clj (defproject my-project 
"0.1.0-SNAPSHOT"  :description "FIXME: write description"  :url 
"";  :license {:name "Eclipse Public 
License"            :url ""}  
:dependencies [[org.clojure/clojure "1.5.1"]])$ cd my-project/$ lein 
replREPL server launch timed out.*
And it also happens if I run lein repl outside of any project.

I have already used repl on this machine in the past and I noticed the 
problem when I tried to use cider. I just assumed that the problem was in 
emacs packages (I think I tried cider instead of nrepl at the time) but 
didn't have time to check. Now I see that I can't even run repl with 

I suspect some update of some package (jdk maybe?). I didn't find anything 
in apt-get and dpkg logs, but they might not cover long enough time range. 
The problem is that I don't know when did this start, as I almost didn't 
use clojure in the last two months.

Am Dienstag, 25. Februar 2014 21:16:31 UTC+1 schrieb Zach Oakes:
> Matej, does this happen to you when you run "lein repl" outside of a 
> project? If so, can you show us what your project.clj file looks like? I 
> know for a fact that if you have ":eval-in :trampoline" in it, the repl 
> will fail with that error.
> On Tuesday, February 25, 2014 2:56:04 PM UTC-5, Matej Fröbe wrote:
>> Hi John,
>> Thank you for your answer. I have tried this already, but it doesn't help.
>> Any other suggestions, how to find the cause of the problem?
>> Matej
>> Am Dienstag, 25. Februar 2014 19:51:51 UTC+1 schrieb John Gabriele:
>>> On Sunday, February 23, 2014 4:32:54 PM UTC-5, Matej Fröbe wrote:
>>>> Hello Clojure users!
>>>> I have a problem with running
>>>> *$lein repl*
>>>> After some time I get: *REPL server launch timed out.*
>>>> *$lein run myproject* works fine
>>>> Leiningen and Java versions are:
>>>> *$lein versionLeiningen 2.3.4 on Java 1.7.0_21 OpenJDK Client VM*
>>>> I tried deleting stuff in ~/.lein but it doesn't help.
>>>> Any suggestions how to solve this?
>>>> Thanks,
>>>> Matej
>>> Hi Matej,
>>> Have never seen this problem. You might try starting fresh by deleting 
>>> your local repo (~/.m2) too, and re-downloading the `lein` script.
>>> -- John

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