
Am Sonntag, 16. Februar 2014 23:31:46 UTC+1 schrieb Laurent Droin:
> Here is a function that I came up with that takes  a bpm (heart beats per 
> minute) value, as well as a sequence of 4 values that represent the 
> boundaries defining the 5 different heart rate zones for a particular 
> person.
> The function needs to finds out in what heart zone the bpm value falls 
> into and return that zone (as a keyword - I later use that keyword in a 
> map).
I'd go with something like this:

   1. (defn r [x ps]
   2.   (some (fn [[p e]]
   3.           (when (>= x p) e))
   4.         (reverse ps)))
   6. (r 7 [[0 :a] [5 :b] [10 :c]]) ;; => :b


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