Hmmm, looks like I can replace

#(not (nil? %))

(complement nil?)

which seems more elegant.

Also, it looks like I don't need that (into [] ), which will keep the code 

I think I could also get rid of the (or) by always adding "(last params)" 
at the end of the sequence from which I pick the first non null element. 
The problem with this is that I need to make sure I add this element at the 
end of the collection, and map returns a list, which means that I would 
need to convert it into a vector if I want to use conj.
Or maybe there's a way to guarantee that I can add an element at the end of 
the list.  I know it's not cheap but I'm not sure if it will make a 
significant difference for what I'm doing. 
I think I could really abuse the "into" function and that doesn't seem 
quite right.

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