Thanks for the quick reply.

Emacs version: 24.3.1
Org version: Org-mode version 8.2.4

I actually copied codes of ob-clojure from master to include support for 
cider (sorry, my bad hack). 
But I found it strange in the org-mode git.
the latest stable tag is 8.2.5g doesn't include supporting of *cider*? I 
didn't see the custom variable *org-babel-clojure-backend *in ob-clojure.el.;a=tree;f=lisp;h=7b8c717b559fc55ae22b10ca7c21aec9e94992f2;hb=e5259962f61c398d84d43d33c29a6f021c9b326a

But actually the cider support was introduced in 2013-11-04.
and the code appear in ac7fb4dd79ebfa07e3357f012206186bf3923c08 which is 
the one after the 8.2.5g tag

Sorry if missed sth.

I will try to install org from master and have a try.


On Thursday, 23 January 2014 22:36:52 UTC+11, Bastien Guerry wrote:
> Hi Rui, 
> Rui Yang < <javascript:>> writes: 
> > Any suggestions on fixing this or it is by design ob-clojure only 
> > evaluate one statement? 
> What version of Emacs/Org are you using? 
> C-h v emacs-version RET 
> C-h v org-version RET 
> ob-clojure.el in latest stable release of Org works fine. 
> The one bundled with current Emacs stable version is not. 
> HTH, 
> -- 
>  Bastien 

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