I think I'd be very useful since understanding Clojure's design philosophy 
is of great value, even outside the Clojure(Script) camp. But I also think 
it'd require work from a certain number of volunteers (sounds like a wiki 
would be a useful tool for this).

There has been some work in this area:

   - A 
Michael Nygard for a book on "the Hickey/Halloway paradigm"
   - An unofficial 
 Rich Hickey's brain :)
   - The book "The Joy Of Clojure" from Chouser and Fogus (soon to be 
   released the second edition)
But certainly a syntesis of the philosophy and design of Clojure, with 
links to presentations, articles and code would be useful.

What do you think? 


Il giorno martedì 31 dicembre 2013 19:26:25 UTC+1, Cedric Greevey ha 
> On Tue, Dec 31, 2013 at 9:26 AM, Jakub Holy <jakub...@iterate.no<javascript:>
> > wrote:
>> I also believe that Rich Hickey has some good reasons for why / when not 
>> to use actor-based concurrency. I cannot find the reference now, perhaps it 
>> is mentioned (also) in the StrangeLoop 2013 Clojure core.async 
>> Channels<http://www.infoq.com/presentations/clojure-core-async>
>>  talk.
> Does anyone else think we could use a central, searchable clearinghouse 
> containing all of the various arguments, rationales, and philosophical 
> essays underpinning Clojure's design choices in text format? AFAICT a lot 
> of that stuff is currently scattered hither and thither across the web, and 
> a lot of it is buried in the audio tracks of videos where search tools 
> can't find it, and even the videos aren't gathered in one place (e.g. a 
> Youtube channel) but instead are disseminated all over the place across 
> dozens of different hosting sites.

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