On Mon, Dec 16, 2013 at 12:27 PM, Gary Johnson <gwjoh...@uvm.edu> wrote:

> It took me maybe an hour of reading the website docs,
> installing/uninstalling packages with package.el, and updating the relevant
> sections of my .emacs.d/init.el file. Not to poo-poo on anyone's parade,
> but it really did seem pretty straightforward to me.

I thought I read the website docs thoroughly, I thought I uninstalled the
proper packages
and I thought I edited my .emacs file correctly. But the repl refused to
start-up so I returned
to nrepl. I am not even remotely an emacs expert, but until this incident I
had years of
trouble-free emacs/leningen/nrepl/slime/swank use.


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