First, yes, I now know I could build referential integrity constraints 
using Korma, and that's almost certainly what I shall do next time.

However, I'm quite a long way down building an app against a very tight 
deadline and I've declared my tables in, e.g.

(defn create-categories-table
  "Reference data: award categories"
  (sql/with-connection db-spec
     [:id "serial primary key"]
     [:name "varchar(48)" "not null"])
    (sql/do-commands "insert into categories (name) values ('Best Use of 
Ecommerce (UK market)')")
    (sql/do-commands "insert into categories (name) values ('Best Use of 
Ecommerce (International market)')")
    (sql/do-commands "insert into categories (name) values ('Ecommerce 
Innovation of the Year')")
    (sql/do-commands "insert into categories (name) values ('Ecommerce 
Newcomer of the Year')")
    (sql/do-commands "insert into categories (name) values ('Ecommerce 
Digital Agency of the Year')")
    (sql/do-commands "insert into categories (name) values ('Ecommerce 
Specialist Supplier of the Year')")

(defn create-nominations-table
  "Actual nominations"
  (sql/with-connection db-spec
     [:id "serial primary key"]
     [:firstname "varchar(64)" "not null"]
     [:surname   "varchar(64)" "not null"]
     [:phone     "varchar(24)" "not null"]
     [:email     "varchar(128)" "not null"]
     [:business  "varchar(64)" "not null"]
     [:category  "integer" "not null"]
     [:url       "varchar(256)" "not null"]
     [:contact   "varchar(128)"]
     [:citation  :text]

Obviously, 'category' in the nominations table should reference categories. 
And obviously, I can hack that in the database, so the fact that Clojure 
doesn't automatically set it up doesn't (this time) matter. However, I'd 
like to know for the future whether Korma is just the best way to go, or 
whether there is some database-independent[*] way to set up referential 
integrity constraints at the

[*] Yes, I know that the fact I'm using 'serial primary key' tells you 
already that I'm using Postgres, so this isn't database-independent!

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