Sam Ritchie <> writes:

> Great stuff!


> Just as a note, Cascalog 2.0 has a lower-level DSL that lets you
> write Cascading in idiomatic clojure. Here are some test examples:

Cool.  I did not know about that part of the API, which does look nifty.
I’m working on a blog post digging into this some, and I’m hoping to
snag one of the lightning talk spots at the Conj, but – I do think
there’s a big difference between writing job-flows which use a
`map`-like `map*` function and literally calling `map` in a literal
plain function[1].

Want a state-bearing sequence-mapping transformation?  With Parkour, you
can just grab bbloom’s `transduce` library[2] and it works just as well
in a remote task as it does in local code, because it does in fact do
literally the same thing in both scenarios.  You can get similar results
in Cascalog/Cascading, but need to first re-express the functionality in
terms of Cascalog/Cascading’s abstractions vs just leaning directly on

The algebraic execution planners backing Cascading- and FlumeJava-likes
allow powerful optimization of cross-task operations, but do require all
transformations to be expressed in terms of primitives the planners
understand.  Parkour loses the cross-task awareness, but allows
MapReduce tasks to do anything which can be expressed as operations on a
Clojure reducible collection.  This can include repeated partial
reductions (even map-side), full task-partition reductions, and
arbitrary numbers of disjoint task outputs.

It’s not a perfect example of what I’m talking about, but Parkour does
include an example implementation of the MapReduce algorithm for
transforming a graph into a sparse matrix of absolute-indexed cells:


I’ll see if I can distill out a more compelling example from some real
jobs prior to the Conj :-).

[1] It admittedly hurts this point a bit that Parkour exclusively uses
reducers instead of lazy sequences, but I’m hoping shortly to add the
necessary glue to allow tasks to work via seqs too when desired.


Marshall Bockrath-Vandegrift <>
Principal Software Engineer, Damballa R&D

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