Hi Meikel,
this is funny! I thought about this approach but I originally considered
it to be a clever hack rather than the official way to do this...Since I
can't test it yet with my record , I hope you don't mind me asking
another question...
there is no need for print-dup bound to true here, right?
thanks a lot for your time :)
On 22/08/13 12:00, Meikel Brandmeyer (kotarak) wrote:
(defmethod print-method Foo
[foo ^Writer w]
(.write w "#my/foo ")
(print-method {:a (:a foo) :b (:b foo) :c (:c foo) :meta (meta foo)} w))
(defn foo-reader
(with-meta (map->Foo (dissoc foo-data :meta)) (:meta foo-data)))
Read with:
(edn/read {'my/foo foo-reader} ...)
Printing might be optimised a bit. And the :meta key could be made
more robust. (records may contain arbitrary keys.)
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