On Sun, Jul 21, 2013 at 5:16 PM, Manuel Paccagnella <
manuel.paccagne...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>    - what I should use to model workflow; possibly 
>> lamina<https://github.com/ztellman/lamina>
>>    ?
>> I'm not sure Lamina is the right tool for this job. What are your ideas
> for modeling and executing workflows?

When I say "Workflow", I mean something along the lines of a Petri Net (
http://www.informatik.uni-hamburg.de/TGI/PetriNets/). I've used Lamina in
order to handle multiple channels in my domain. And that was just me
wondering out loud if it can be grafted onto the task. I don't see any well
fleshed out Petri Nets or Finite State Machines in Clojure (although
googling gives you a bunch of user trials and whatnot)

>>    -
>>    - what's the best interface & messages to pass between the core
>>    service and plug-ins; I'm thinking of the 
>> nrepl<https://github.com/clojure/tools.nrepl>protocol, but I need to work 
>> out:
>>    1. communication between plug-ins
>>       2. way to list possible actions (namespace qualify action names)
>>       3. way to publish actions
>>       4. way for core service to listen for messages from a plug-in
>>       5. way to pass binary data (asset(s)) between stefon and plug-in
> I've not investigated this in depth, but why not a simple HTTP interface
> that talks EDN?

I plan on having an HTTP plug-in, using an edn transport; but that would be
a chunk of code that uses the plug-in architecture, and talks to HTTP

>> I think the next week or so will be investigating this list. It
>> represents most of the hurdles I see in getting a successful core / plug-in
>> architecture running. Insight or expertise on any of these points is very
>> welcome.
> I don't know if you have read 
> this<http://www.chris-granger.com/2013/01/24/the-ide-as-data/>,
> but maybe it could give you some ideas about the plugin architecture. "The
> blog engine as data". The plugin system could be the kernel, and maybe most
> features could be implemented as plugins. Just dreaming out loud :)

Yes, what you describe is very much the concept that I have

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