That wasn't hte case either. After some buzz with ddellacosta and others on 
#clojure, it was found that the RPC call is unable to find that very remote 
procedure I was requesting. Then I have verified that all is properly 
stored in the remote procedures registry on backend and that the front end 
makes proper calls. The problem was that the backend was expecting edn 
while the frontend was sending it in html-form format in request body. I am 
just a beginner with Clojure's web stack, so I think that maybe I missed 
some wrappers with Noir or Ring, but I was doing all according to the 
tutorial and it failed to work. So I had to manually override several 
functions from Shoreleave back-end and front-end to behave coherently and 
send and receive data in edn format. I think this makes a patch for the 
library since the RPC functionality is broken out-of-the-box. Unless I am 
missing something crucial, but examples I found miss that either...

четверг, 18 июля 2013 г., 15:42:35 UTC+4 пользователь terjesb написал:
> The default /_shoreleave endpoint should work if you're running using lein 
> ring server.
> Are you running a WAR in a container? If so, I don't think Shoreleave 
> currently picks up the context. If you have only one client app, you could 
> proxy this using nginx in front on your container. For multiple client apps 
> (also standalone, without a container), you may need to do what I did:
> override default "/_shoreleave" in your app: (wrap-rpc 
> "/your-context/_shoreleave")
> and then (binding [shoreleave.remotes.http-rpc/*remote-uri* 
> "/your-context/_shoreleave"] ) around your client calls.
> Terje.
> kl. 10:50:17 UTC+2 mandag 15. juli 2013 skrev Alex Fowler følgende:
>> Did not work.. all that is strange since I've been following the manual 
>> step-by-step.. looks like the shoreleave's wrapper does not even create a 
>> http route for itself... any other ideas?
>> On Friday, July 12, 2013 7:14:42 AM UTC+4, Samrat Man Singh wrote:
>>> I think you need to (use projectname.ajax) in your projectname.handler 
>>> page. If I remember correctly, there's also a way to specify which 
>>> namespace your remote function is in.
>>> On Thursday, July 11, 2013 10:42:15 PM UTC+5:45, Alex Fowler wrote:
>>>> Hi all, this is my first experience with Shoreleave and I'm trying to 
>>>> use it's RPC mechanism to perform AJAX tasks. However, on a call to a 
>>>> remote procedure, I get this:
>>>> `
>>>>    1. POST http://localhost:8080/_shoreleave 404 (Not Found) 
>>>>    cljs.js:25223 <http://localhost:8080/js/cljs.js>
>>>>       1.<http://localhost:8080/js/cljs.js>
>>>>       2. xhr__delegatecljs.js:31416 <http://localhost:8080/js/cljs.js>
>>>>       3. xhrcljs.js:31423 <http://localhost:8080/js/cljs.js>
>>>>       4. 
>>>> remote_callback__delegatecljs.js:32504<http://localhost:8080/js/cljs.js>
>>>>       5. remote_callbackcljs.js:32515<http://localhost:8080/js/cljs.js>
>>>>       6. load_storecljs.js:32745 <http://localhost:8080/js/cljs.js>
>>>>       7. 
>>>> mk__AMPERSAND__load_store__delegatecljs.js:32755<http://localhost:8080/js/cljs.js>
>>>>       8. 
>>>> mk__AMPERSAND__load_storecljs.js:32763<http://localhost:8080/js/cljs.js>
>>>>       9. example_storecljs.js:33341 <http://localhost:8080/js/cljs.js>
>>>>       10. simplecljs.js:33361 <http://localhost:8080/js/cljs.js>
>>>>       11. setup_guicljs.js:33962 <http://localhost:8080/js/cljs.js>
>>>>       12. setup_allcljs.js:33982 <http://localhost:8080/js/cljs.js>
>>>>       13. startupcljs.js:41166 <http://localhost:8080/js/cljs.js>
>>>>       14. onloadapp:2 <http://localhost:8080/app>
>>>> XHR ERROR: Not Found 
>>>> `
>>>> What is wrong and how do I fix it? I have been following this tutorial: 
>>>> Shoreleave 
>>>> Tutorial 10 - Introducing 
>>>> Ajax<>
>>>>  my 
>>>> code (relevant parts) is this:
>>>> Project.clj:
>>>> `
>>>> (defproject projectname "0.1.0-SNAPSHOT"
>>>>   :description "FIXME: write description"
>>>>   :url "";
>>>>   :dependencies [[org.clojure/clojure "1.5.1"]
>>>>                  [lib-noir "0.6.3"]
>>>>                  [compojure "1.2.0-SNAPSHOT"]
>>>>                  [ring-server "0.2.8"]
>>>>                  [clabango "0.5"]
>>>>                  [hiccup "1.0.3"]
>>>>                  [com.taoensso/timbre "2.1.2"]
>>>>                  [com.taoensso/tower "1.7.1"]
>>>>                  [markdown-clj "0.9.26"]
>>>>                  ; -- ajax
>>>>                  [shoreleave "0.3.0"]
>>>>                  [shoreleave/shoreleave-remote-ring "0.3.0"]
>>>>                  [shoreleave/shoreleave-remote "0.3.0"]
>>>>                  ; -- cljs
>>>>                  [com.keminglabs/singult "0.1.6"]
>>>>                  [enfocus "1.0.1"]
>>>>                  [jayq "2.3.0"]
>>>>                  ]
>>>>   :plugins [[lein-ring "0.8.5"]
>>>>             [lein-cljsbuild "0.3.2"]]
>>>>   :hooks [leiningen.cljsbuild]
>>>>   :cljsbuild {
>>>>               :builds [{
>>>>                         :jar true
>>>>                         :source-paths ["src/family/webapp"]
>>>>                         :compiler {
>>>>                                    :output-to 
>>>> "resources/public/js/cljs.js"
>>>>                                    :optimizations :whitespace
>>>>                                    :externs ["externs/jquery-1.9.js"]
>>>>                                    :pretty-print true}}]}
>>>>   :ring {:handler projectname.handler/war-handler
>>>>          :init    projectname.handler/init
>>>>          :destroy projectname.handler/destroy}
>>>>   :profiles
>>>>   {:production {:ring {:open-browser? false
>>>>                        :stacktraces?  false
>>>>                        :auto-reload?  false}}
>>>>    :dev {:dependencies [[ring-mock "0.1.5"]
>>>>                         [ring/ring-devel "1.1.8"]]}}
>>>>   :min-lein-version "2.0.0")
>>>> `
>>>> Handler:
>>>> `
>>>> (ns projectname.handler
>>>>   (:use projectname.routes.home
>>>>         compojure.core)
>>>>   (:require [noir.util.middleware :as middleware]
>>>>             [compojure.route :as route]
>>>>             [shoreleave.middleware.rpc :refer [wrap-rpc]]))
>>>> (def all-routes [home-routes app-routes])
>>>> (def app (-> all-routes
>>>>              middleware/app-handler
>>>>              wrap-rpc
>>>>              ;;add your middlewares here
>>>>              ))
>>>> (def war-handler (middleware/war-handler app))
>>>> ` 
>>>> Remote procedure declaration:
>>>> `
>>>> (ns projectname.ajax
>>>>   (:require [shoreleave.middleware.rpc :refer [defremote]]))
>>>> (defremote my-remote-proc [some-arg] (println "remote call ok" 
>>>> some-arg) some-arg)
>>>> `
>>>> Client side ClojureScript code:
>>>> `
>>>> (ns
>>>>   (:require
>>>>     [shoreleave.remotes.http-rpc :refer [remote-callback]]))
>>>> (defn do-smth-useful [useful-args]
>>>>   (log "This is the last log statement that get's printed")
>>>>   (remote-callback :my-remote-proc [useful-args] #(process-feedback %))
>>>> `
>>>> Thanks!

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