Could you please try your tests against master?
Here, I went from 145ms to 85ms going from 1.5.1 to 1.6.0 master. If it's the same for you, someone can git bisect and figure out what's up. Thanks, Rich On Thursday, June 13, 2013 3:02:56 PM UTC-4, Leon Barrett wrote: > > Hi. I've been working with people at Prismatic to optimize some simple > math code in Clojure. However, it seems that Clojure generates an > unnecessary type check that slows our (otherwise-optimized) code by 50%. Is > there a good way to avoid this, is it a bug in Clojure 1.5.1, or something > else? What should I do to work around this? > > Here's my example. The aget seems to generate an unnecessary > checkcastbytecode. I used Jasper and Jasmin to decompile and recompile > Bar.class > into Bar_EDITED.class, without that bytecode. The edited version takes > about 2/3 the time. > > (ns demo > (:import demo.Bar_EDITED)) > > (definterface Foo > (arraysum ^double [^doubles a ^int i ^int asize ^double sum])) > > (deftype Bar [] > Foo > (arraysum ^double [this ^doubles a ^int i ^int asize ^double sum] > (if (< i asize) > (recur a (unchecked-inc-int i) asize (+ sum (aget a i))) > sum))) > > (defn -main [& args] > (let [bar (Bar.) > bar-edited (Bar_EDITED.) > asize 10000 > a (double-array asize) > i 0 > ntimes 10000] > (time > > (dotimes [iter ntimes] > (.arraysum bar a i asize 0))) > (time > (dotimes [iter ntimes] > (.arraysum bar-edited a i asize 0))))) > > > ;; $ lein2 run -m demo > ;; Compiling demo > ;; "Elapsed time: 191.015885 msecs" > ;; "Elapsed time: 129.332 msecs" > > > Here's the bytecode for Bar.arraysum: > > public java.lang.Object arraysum(double[], int, int, double); > Code: > 0: iload_2 > 1: i2l > 2: iload_3 > 3: i2l > 4: lcmp > 5: ifge 39 > 8: aload_1 > 9: iload_2 > 10: iconst_1 > 11: iadd > 12: iload_3 > 13: dload 4 > 15: aload_1 > 16: aconst_null > 17: astore_1 > 18: checkcast #60 // class "[D" > 21: iload_2 > 22: invokestatic #64 // Method > clojure/lang/RT.intCast:(I)I > 25: daload > 26: dadd > 27: dstore 4 > 29: istore_3 > 30: istore_2 > 31: astore_1 > 32: goto 0 > 35: goto 44 > 38: pop > 39: dload 4 > 41: invokestatic #70 // Method > java/lang/Double.valueOf:(D)Ljava/lang/Double; > 44: areturn > > > As far as I can tell, Clojure generated a checkcast opcode that tests on > every loop to make sure the double array is really a double array. When I > remove that checkcast, I get a 1/3 speedup (meaning it's a 50% overhead). > > Can someone help me figure out how to avoid this overhead? > > Thanks. > > - Leon Barrett > -- -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Clojure" group. To post to this group, send email to Note that posts from new members are moderated - please be patient with your first post. To unsubscribe from this group, send email to For more options, visit this group at --- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Clojure" group. To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email to For more options, visit