For Vim users, I ported the debug repl. This is a tool that allows you to 
create a REPL in the middle of the call stack, which allows you to suspend 
the evaluation of functions, lazy seqs, etc, and then inspect the locals 
and globals at that location. If you've already installed Fireplace, then 
you just need add the vim plugin and include redl in your project.clj, and 
use :Repl or :ReplHere to create a repl, and then use redl.core/break and 
redl.core/continue to use the debugger. You can find the vim component 
here: and the Clojure component 

Let me know if you need help setting it up!

On Monday, May 27, 2013 2:34:23 PM UTC-4, Oskar Kvist wrote:
> Stuart Halloway said in his video Clojure in the Field (
> from March 1, 2013 (I 
> think): "I don't feel the absence of a debugger because I've learnt enough 
> that I don't ever need a debugger." I am very intrigued by that statement. 
> What does he (or you, if you are reading, Stuart) mean? For me, debugging 
> is the biggest thing that I don't know how to do well currently in Clojure 
> (I use Vim, and have not programmed in Clojure for a while), so I am really 
> interested in what he meant.
> And by the way: As I said, I have not been using Clojure for a few months, 
> but: What's the state of the art of debugging for Vim users? I've been 
> meaning to try out vim-fireplace and ritz and see if they work together 
> well, but have not gotten around to it yet. I would very much appreciate a 
> nudge in the right direction.

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