AtKaaZ <> writes:
> Hi. I've been meaning to ask (all of)you, how do you get moral support? How
> do you put yourself into that mood so that you're happy/willing to program?
> What motivates you to do it? Is it the people you surround yourself with or
> the financial support? Are they enough to subconsciously motivate you? What
> if you had no friends/contacts but you had time?

I have the advantage of not being a programmer; I write code to achieve
something that I want, or that will allow me to answer a question that I
want to answer. As the questions vary, so does the choice of language,
which is why code-wize, I'm a jack-of-all-trades and, indeed, master of

For me the questions are often biological. How do we measure if two
genes are doing the same thing? How can we we analyse 10,000's of genes
at once? How can we describe the chromosomes that we see down a

Of course, you could ask how I find the motivation to answer these
questions; can't tell you that one. I can't understand how anyone could
*not* be interested in how life, how they themselves, work.

So, more generally, my answer is, I care about what my code does;
without this, for me, it's solving a crossword puzzle.


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