I have used it habitually because it contriubutes more to readability to 
reuse the same name than force yourself to invent new names for something 
that is conceptually the same, just transformed to match some formalities, 
like coercing strings to integers or keywordizing them.

A second way this contributes to readability is reducing the mental load by 
making it obvious that the earlier value will not be needed in the rest of 
the function code.

This idiom is useful enough to have gotten its own macro in 1.5:

(as-> (+ 1 1) mega
   (+ 1 mega)
   (+ 1 mega)
   (+ 1 mega)
   (+ 1 mega))

It expands to the exact form you have posted.


On Tuesday, April 2, 2013 9:09:25 PM UTC+2, larry google groups wrote:
> If Clojure is suppose to emphasize immutability, why can I do this: 
> kiosks-clojure.core=> (let [
>                  #_=> mega (+ 1 1)
>                  #_=> mega (+ 1 mega)
>                  #_=> mega (+ 1 mega)
>                  #_=> mega (+ 1 mega)
>                  #_=> mega (+ 1 mega)]
>                  #_=> mega)
> 6
> I might as well be writing PHP code. 
> Does anyone actually write Clojure code like this, or is it considered bad 
> form? 

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