On Wednesday, 3 April 2013 00:39:25 UTC+5:30, larry google groups wrote:
> If Clojure is suppose to emphasize immutability, why can I do this: 
> kiosks-clojure.core=> (let [
>                  #_=> mega (+ 1 1)
>                  #_=> mega (+ 1 mega)
>                  #_=> mega (+ 1 mega)
>                  #_=> mega (+ 1 mega)
>                  #_=> mega (+ 1 mega)]
>                  #_=> mega)
> 6
> I might as well be writing PHP code. 

In PHP and other imperative language `mega` is a "place" (as in place 
oriented programming.) Consider this:

(let [mega 0]
  (let [mega (+ 1 mega)]
    (println mega))
  (println mega))

In Clojure a symbol is bound to a value (both are otherwise independent) in 
a scope. Bindings can nest and unwind like a stack. In PHP a variable is 
tied to the "place" that can be updated but cannot nest. So, consider this 
PHP snippet:

$mega = 0;
$mega = 1 + $mega;
echo $mega;  // prints 1
echo $mega;  // still prints 1 because it didn't unwind

When we say
(let [foo 20
    foo (+ 5 foo)]
we basically rebind within the same let form and it's a convenience to 
rebind a local to a new value due to intermediate computation step.


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