Well I'll just say that my opinion on this matter is not well formed at the 
moment since this is the first time I have encountered this issue. For now 
I've stuck with the Java algorithm so I can move on with my project, but I 
do plan to revisit this at some point. In fact, it may be important for my 
project to keep it all Clojure.

At the moment I don't find the Clojure solution simple, but again this may 
simply be to lack of exposure. Have you written a lot of performance 
optimized Clojure?

On Sunday, February 24, 2013 8:50:01 AM UTC-5, bernardH wrote:
> On Thursday, February 21, 2013 10:27:11 PM UTC+1, Geo wrote:
>> Man, this is exactly how I feel after all this tinkering! It was great 
>> for learning Clojure a bit more in depth, but in the end I am going to 
>> stick with the Java solution. Especially since it's so easy to mix Java and 
>> Clojure in the same project! I just specify :java-source-paths ["src/java"] 
>> in my project.clj and I just call that one method when I need it and the 
>> rest of the project is in Clojure. I think when performance if critical 
>> idiomatic Clojure is to just drop down to Java :) 
>> Christophe's second function actually achieves Java speed or very close 
>> (within 5-10%), but it's ugly and there's a bit more to my algorithm which 
>> would make it even uglier if I were to go that route.
> There would be no point in me to argue with you whether Chrispohe's 
> version really is "ugly" or not for you, but I'd like to rephrase it as 
> "hard on the eye". Because I find this "performance oriented Clojure" vs 
> Java fits quiet well in the "easy" vs "simple" mindeset.[*]. Adding Java 
> code in a Clojure project is certainly easy if you happen to already know 
> the language, while no amount of prior experience in idiomatic Clojure will 
> help you in writing perfomance oriented Clojure as it can be a completely 
> new idiom. But I do believe that the resulting code (as a whole, not just 
> the small performance critical bit of code) is simpler with two idioms in 
> one language than with two languages.
> FWIW, I, for one, am really glad that Clojure allows us to select 
> precisely which nice tools we want (have to) throw away (persistent data 
> structures, dynamic typing, synchronized) when the need arises. Reminds me 
> of the "don't pay for what you don't use" motto of C++ except done right 
> (i.e. the other way around, because you don't want to pay wrt simplicity 
> rather than performance, cf. "premature optimization…")
> Cheers,
> Bernard
> [*] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rI8tNMsozo0

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