On Friday, February 22, 2013 9:04:31 PM UTC+1, David Nolen wrote:

> On Friday, February 22, 2013, Marko Topolnik wrote:
>> Annoying *and* slower than Java's locals, unfortunately. Most of the 
>> time it won't make a huge dent in the performance, but I just happen to 
>> have an inner loop that iterates between zero and three times only, zero 
>> being by far the most common case, and is entered many times from the 
>> surrounding loop. The performance drop is considerable.
> If the loops are so small why can't you just make these be more loop 
> bindings? 

Because the number of iterations is driven by outside data. On occasion it 
may be more than three iterations; from the logic standpoint this is 
clearly a loop, it's just that the statistical distribution of iterations 
leans heavily towards zero and almost vanishes above three or four. 

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