Okay, got all this working. Thank you very much for your tip. Can you say 
what you think the problem was? 

On Thursday, February 7, 2013 11:16:46 AM UTC-5, larry google groups wrote:
> Any reason this would work on all browsers except IE? 
> On Thursday, February 7, 2013 10:45:02 AM UTC-5, larry google groups wrote:
>> Ah, sorry, that does seem to have worked (I think I forgot to recompile). 
>> What do you think the problem was?
>> On Thursday, February 7, 2013 10:41:00 AM UTC-5, larry google groups 
>> wrote:
>>> About this:
>>> >(defroutes app-routes
>>>  > (ANY "/" request (index request))
>>>   >;; <rest of routes>
>>>  > (GET "/finish-user-sign-up" request (finish-user-sign-up request))
>>>  > (route/resources "/")
>>>  > (route/not-found "Page not found"))
>>> I removed (wrap-resource) and added (route/resources "/") to the routes, 
>>> in the penultimate position as you suggest, but that seems to have busted 
>>> things completely. None of the images, css or javascript inside of 
>>> resources/public can now be found. 
>>> Any further thoughts on this? This app is suppose to go live today so I 
>>> would like to figure this out. 
>>> On Wednesday, February 6, 2013 4:37:09 PM UTC-5, James Reeves wrote:
>>>> Could you try replacing the wrap-resource middleware with the 
>>>> route/resources function? The latter operates in a slightly different way 
>>>> to the Ring middleware, and if the Compojure route works without issue, I 
>>>> might have an idea what the problem is.
>>>> i.e. your code should look like:
>>>> (defroutes app-routes
>>>>   (ANY "/" request (index request))
>>>>   ;; <rest of routes>
>>>>   (GET "/finish-user-sign-up" request (finish-user-sign-up request))
>>>>   (route/resources "/")
>>>>   (route/not-found "Page not found"))
>>>> You've also got a max-age of 90 for your session cookies, which would 
>>>> mean your sessions will time out in 90 seconds. Is that what you want?
>>>> Also:
>>>>    (GET "/foo" request (foo request))
>>>> Is equivalent to:
>>>>    (GET "/foo" [] foo)
>>>> - James
>>>>  On 6 February 2013 15:10, larry google groups <lawrenc...@gmail.com>wrote:
>>>>> I created a web app using Ring, Jetty, Enlive, Compojure. 
>>>>> At the end, I bundled everything together by running the command "lein 
>>>>> uberjar". The resulting file was 21 megs. 
>>>>> I scp the file to the server, then I ssh to the server. I start a 
>>>>> "screen" session. Inside the screen session I type :
>>>>> java -jar kiosk-0.1-standalone.jar 30001
>>>>> The number at the end is the port that I have it running on. 
>>>>> Sometimes, when people look at the app, none of the CSS files load. I 
>>>>> have run into this bug myself. Sometimes, when I look at the app, the 
>>>>> Javascript and CSS paths are broken. If I click "view source" and see the 
>>>>> source, and if I try to follow the links to the CSS or Javascript, then I 
>>>>> get 404 errors. 
>>>>> I have this in my code: 
>>>>>       (wrap-resource "public")
>>>>> The structure of the code is: 
>>>>> /resources
>>>>>     /public
>>>>>         /css
>>>>>         /javascript
>>>>>     /templates
>>>>> /src
>>>>>     /kiosk
>>>>> The code is still able to find the templates in resources/templates, 
>>>>> and that HTML is given to Enlive, so something appears on screen. It's 
>>>>> just 
>>>>> the stuff in "public" that sometimes goes missing. 
>>>>> Can anyone suggest why? My routes are defined like this:
>>>>> (defroutes app-routes
>>>>>   (ANY "/" request (index request))
>>>>>   (GET "/search-results" request (search-results request))
>>>>>   (GET "/schema" [] (schema))
>>>>>   (GET "/account" request (account request))
>>>>>   (GET "/login" request (login request))
>>>>>   (GET "/start-over" request (start-over request))
>>>>>   (GET "/admin" request (admin request))
>>>>>   (GET "/ok" request (ok request))
>>>>>   (POST "/admin" request (record-new-question-if-any request))
>>>>>   (GET "/delete-question/:question-to-delete" request (delete-question 
>>>>> request))
>>>>>   (GET "/finish-user-sign-up" request (finish-user-sign-up request))
>>>>>   (route/not-found "Page not found"))
>>>>> (def app
>>>>>   (-> app-routes
>>>>>       (wrap-resource "public")
>>>>>       (wrap-session {:cookie-name "discovery-session" :cookie-attrs 
>>>>> {:max-age 90 }})
>>>>>       (wrap-cookies)
>>>>>       (wrap-keyword-params)
>>>>>       (wrap-nested-params)
>>>>>       (wrap-params)))
>>>>>  -- 
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