I logged into my personal server (in the Rackspace cloud, what used to be 
Slicehost) and blasted the CSS file  with 10,000 requests. There were 0 
(zero) failed requests. This is with Apache Benchmark ("ab -n 10000 -c 
50"). The server, Jetty, was able to serve the CSS 10,000 times, yet it 
fails on occasion when my co-workers go and look at it. I am struggling to 
think what the problem is. Any suggestions? Does Jetty fail when the app is 
running an activity in something other than the main thread? 

Document Path:          /css/timeout.css

Document Length:        3688 bytes

Concurrency Level:      50

Time taken for tests:   62.913 seconds

Complete requests:      10000

Failed requests:        0

Write errors:           0

Total transferred:      38430000 bytes

HTML transferred:       36880000 bytes

Requests per second:    158.95 [#/sec] (mean)

Time per request:       314.563 [ms] (mean)

Time per request:       6.291 [ms] (mean, across all concurrent requests)

Transfer rate:          596.53 [Kbytes/sec] received

Connection Times (ms)

              min  mean[+/-sd] median   max

Connect:      137  154  75.0    143    1241

Processing:   139  160  39.0    152     772

Waiting:      138  160  38.0    152     663

Total:        277  314  86.6    298    1636

Percentage of the requests served within a certain time (ms)

  50%    298

  66%    306

  75%    313

  80%    318

  90%    341

  95%    363

  98%    422

  99%    680

 100%   1636 (longest request)

On Wednesday, February 6, 2013 10:10:25 AM UTC-5, larry google groups wrote:
> I created a web app using Ring, Jetty, Enlive, Compojure. 
> At the end, I bundled everything together by running the command "lein 
> uberjar". The resulting file was 21 megs. 
> I scp the file to the server, then I ssh to the server. I start a "screen" 
> session. Inside the screen session I type :
> java -jar kiosk-0.1-standalone.jar 30001
> The number at the end is the port that I have it running on. 
> Sometimes, when people look at the app, none of the CSS files load. I have 
> run into this bug myself. Sometimes, when I look at the app, the Javascript 
> and CSS paths are broken. If I click "view source" and see the source, and 
> if I try to follow the links to the CSS or Javascript, then I get 404 
> errors. 
> I have this in my code: 
>       (wrap-resource "public")
> The structure of the code is: 
> /resources
>     /public
>         /css
>         /javascript
>     /templates
> /src
>     /kiosk
> The code is still able to find the templates in resources/templates, and 
> that HTML is given to Enlive, so something appears on screen. It's just the 
> stuff in "public" that sometimes goes missing. 
> Can anyone suggest why? My routes are defined like this:
> (defroutes app-routes
>   (ANY "/" request (index request))
>   (GET "/search-results" request (search-results request))
>   (GET "/schema" [] (schema))
>   (GET "/account" request (account request))
>   (GET "/login" request (login request))
>   (GET "/start-over" request (start-over request))
>   (GET "/admin" request (admin request))
>   (GET "/ok" request (ok request))
>   (POST "/admin" request (record-new-question-if-any request))
>   (GET "/delete-question/:question-to-delete" request (delete-question 
> request))
>   (GET "/finish-user-sign-up" request (finish-user-sign-up request))
>   (route/not-found "Page not found"))
> (def app
>   (-> app-routes
>       (wrap-resource "public")
>       (wrap-session {:cookie-name "discovery-session" :cookie-attrs 
> {:max-age 90 }})
>       (wrap-cookies)
>       (wrap-keyword-params)
>       (wrap-nested-params)
>       (wrap-params)))

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