On Jan 30, 2013, at 5:59 PM, Michał Marczyk wrote:

> On 30 January 2013 23:32, Chas Emerick <c...@cemerick.com> wrote:
>> On Jan 30, 2013, at 12:23 PM, Michael Fogus wrote:
>>>> RuntimeException EvalReader not allowed when *read-eval* is false.
>>> The problem is that the second eval gets (<the actual + function> 1 2
>>> 3) which invokes the right pathway triggering the exception.  You can
>>> trigger the same exception by:
>>> (binding [*read-eval* false] (eval (list + 1 2 3)))
>> Re-reading this, I'm clearly not grokking something here.  Maybe I'm having 
>> a slow afternoon; send help. :-P
>> This obviously ends up running through EvalReader — but why?  How is 
>> LispReader ever involved at all?
> I believe the story goes like so:
> The eval call here compiles a list of a function object and three
> numbers. The function object gets compiled to code which effectively
> calls readString on "#=(clojure.core$_PLUS_. )". (It so happens that
> print-dup knows how to handle functions; if it didn't, an exception
> would be thrown during compilation with the message "Can't embed
> object in code, maybe print-dup not defined: ...".) When the compiled
> code is executed, readString gets called to reconstruct the function,
> and since *read-eval* is false, this fails.

Whoo, sneaky.  If only fns carried (most of) the metadata that their 
originating vars were defined with, print-dup would be able to emit a 
fully-qualified symbol instead of that bonkers ctor call...I think.

This explains why my plan for a nuclear option for "fixing" *read-eval*'s 
default doesn't work when outside of a bare `java -cp ... clojure.main` REPL:


Much of the initialization of the nREPL / Leiningen / Reply toolchain involves 
evaluating code that's been prn'ed, and there may very well be a couple of 
nested `eval` usages lurking in there similar to what Fogus raised.

So, getting *read-eval* to a safe default is going to require more than just 
setting its default to false; all usages of #= in 
need to be eliminated.  Will be peeking at that next...

- Chas

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