I don't tend to filter emails, but just like to go through my inbox and
judge based on topic and subject whether I'd like to take a closer look
before archiving. I'm in too many groups to want to go through filters one
at a time, and currently there a handful that don't have subject markers,
so unless something obviously Clojure-related is in the subject, I have to
dig deeper to know that it's actually about Clojure. If you guys don't want
to do it, I'm fine with continued suffering (I guess I'm a minority)--just
throwing the idea out there.

Thanks for doing it in the ClojureScript group, by the way. :)


On Thu, Jan 24, 2013 at 8:59 AM, Wolodja Wentland <babi...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On Thu, Jan 24, 2013 at 01:50 -0500, Wes Freeman wrote:
> > This is great. Can you guys put [ClojureScript] in the email subject
> like most
> > google groups do? Wouldn't mind if they put [Clojure] in the clojure
> emails,
> > either.
> Just curious: But why would you want that? I would happily live without
> that
> as it reduces line-noise and leaves more room for important information
> such
> as the actual subject. It is not necessary to filter mails (just filter on
> List-I[dD]) either, so I'd be curious why you would prefer it :)
> --
> Wolodja <babi...@gmail.com>
> 4096R/CAF14EFC
> 081C B7CD FF04 2BA9 94EA  36B2 8B7F 7D30 CAF1 4EFC

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