On Wed, Jan 16, 2013 at 8:34 PM, Phil Hagelberg <p...@hagelb.org> wrote:
> cl.el ships with emacs and is widely used.

OK, so I shouldn't worry about this warning when I install a package then?

Warning: cl package required at runtime

I've seen that a couple of times and assumed it meant cl was not
installed (and some of the stuff out there on the 'net makes it sound
like the cl package causes a lot of problems... good to know that's
not the case!).

However, when I try to install sr-speedbar I also get this error which
prevents installation:

Error: Symbol's function definition is void: make-local-hook

So I guess there's a pre-req for sr-speedbar?
Sean A Corfield -- (904) 302-SEAN
An Architect's View -- http://corfield.org/
World Singles, LLC. -- http://worldsingles.com/

"Perfection is the enemy of the good."
-- Gustave Flaubert, French realist novelist (1821-1880)

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