
This has been much requested.  I plan to give a test-drive over the 
imminent holiday weekend.  


On Sunday, November 18, 2012 3:03:03 PM UTC-6, Shantanu Kumar wrote:
> Hi,
> I pushed lein-clr 0.2.0 JARs to 
> Clojars a little while ago. The focus of this release is to
> 1. add dependency support (via NuGet/wget/curl, Leiningen :dependencies)
> 2. lower the bar to get started with ClojureCLR (with automated download 
> of ClojureCLR)
> 3. remove the need to call `assembly-load-from` in code
> The changelog and TODO are here: 
> I hope this release is usable enough to start building ClojureCLR apps and 
> libraries with it. This is an early project and can certainly use feedback 
> and contribution. Please let me know what you think.
> Shantanu

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