Hi all,

I seem to have found myself writing some Clojure docs again. They are
currently hosted at https://github.com/clojuredocs/cds , and are
*currently* on display at
http://www.unexpected-vortices.com/clojure/cds/index.html . Though,
there are plans in the works to render the docs using the same tools
as the Clojurewerks.org docs, rather than my own little
[rippledoc](https://github.com/uvtc/rippledoc) tool that's currently
being used.

The docs are just regular markdown files.

Please see the [Readme](https://github.com/clojuredocs/cds#readme) for
more info, but the main idea is to have a community repository of
Clojure docs. If you can write well, and want to add a doc you've
written, send a pull-request. :)

Note that the repository lives under the new "clojuredocs"
organization, and not my own username (uvtc). It's certainly intended
to be a community-driven project.

I've already written a few docs (see the ToC), and there are others
who are collaborators but who have not added their docs yet.


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