Hi Tim,

According to :

encog 3 should have descent support for any temporal (time-series) based
prediction support in particular for financial predictions...I'm afraid
however that the only example that I've ported to clojure-encog which uses
temporal data is the sunspot example (SVM not NN).

Also, you shouldn't have any problems with the data (most likely you need
to normalize them - I usually find  (-1 1) or (0 1) to work best.
for an example of how exactly you would do it  look for

these 2 lines do all the job with regards to your input data:

normalizedSunspots (prepare :array-range nil nil :raw-seq spots
:ceiling 0.9 :floor 0.1)

train-set  ((make-data :temporal-window normalizedSunspots)  window-size 1)

As far as algorimthmic problems go encog has been around for quite a
while...even though I don't necessarily agree with all the design decisions
made along the way I find it is a  rather mature lib...of course it is
written in Java so being large means it is a bit of a mess! also there is a
lot of duplication in random places...anyways, what I'm trying to say is:

if you've got a specific example in mind, (like the financial prediction)
maybe it's worth trying it out using clojure-encog or the encog-workbench
(the gui) or any other already-made lib and see how it goes...writing your
own will certainly teach you loads but it might take a while until you
actually test what you want to test...

Normalisation, randomisation or both are almost always needed...

Hope that helps...


On Sun, Jul 29, 2012 at 5:41 PM, Timothy Washington <twash...@gmail.com>wrote:

> Hey Ben,
> It's the same problem.
> user> (incanter/exp (incanter/minus 3254604.9658621363))
> 0.0
> But it's not the functions. It's the math. Euler's number 2.71828...
> raised to the power of 3254604.9658621363, gives Infinity. So for my neural
> net's activation func, either i) I shouldn't used a sigmoid, or ii) my
> linear combiner needs to keep values within a certain bound. My neuron
> inputs are below. And it's the bid and sk volumes and the long time value
> that's giving me such a large number.
>    - 1.3239 (bid price)
>    - 1.32379 (ask price)
>    - 3000000.0 (bid volume)
>    - 2250000.0 (ask volume)
>    - 1335902400676 ( #<DateTime 2012-05-01T20:00:00.676Z> long value)
> I just had the idea to try a Gaussian or tanh activation function. I think
> this is the point where I'll give 
> clojure-encog<https://github.com/jimpil/clojure-encog>a whirl. I have a 
> feeling I'll be running into a lot of these data and
> other algorithmic problems. And it'd be good to work with something that
> has already dealt with these issues. I still don't know if I need to
> normalize my input data, how to untangle the activation result for
> back propagation, etc. Any insights are welcome.
> Tim Washington
> Interruptsoftware.ca
> 416.843.9060
> On Sat, Jul 28, 2012 at 7:44 PM, Ben Mabey <b...@benmabey.com> wrote:
>>  On 7/28/12 4:52 PM, Timothy Washington wrote:
>> Hey Jim,
>>  Encog does look very interesting. Right now, I'm trying (and failing)
>> to implement the sigmoid function. I'm using wikipedia's 
>> reference<http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sigmoid_function>,
>> and trying to use Incanter's (incanter/exp) function, but Incanter's
>> function doesn't seem to work:
>>  user> user> (incanter/exp -3254604.9658621363)
>> 0.0
>> user> user> (incanter/exp 3254604.9658621363)
>>  Infinity
>>  Try this...
>> (use 'incanter.core)
>> => (defn sigmoid [z]
>>               (div 1 (plus 1 (exp (minus z)))))
>> => (sigmoid 0)
>> 0.5
>> => (sigmoid 7)
>> 0.9990889488055994
>> => (sigmoid 112)
>> 1.0
>> => (sigmoid -112)
>> 2.285693676718672E-49
>> If you want the library to be fast you will want to be using primitives
>> or use the underlying colt API.. for learning purposes you don't really
>> need to worry about that though.
>> HTH,
>> Ben
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