I'm working on a Neural Network application to tech myself machine learning
and AI.

   - https://github.com/twashing/nn

There's nothing there right now. But I'm keenly interested in the field,
and getting a working project, predicting financial time series. I'm keen
to check out clojure-encog <https://github.com/jimpil/clojure-encog>, and
any other AI library. I just want to make sure I understand the mechanics
of the algorithms that are being used.

Very exciting

Tim Washington

On Sun, Jul 15, 2012 at 1:10 PM, Joshua Bowles <bowlesl...@gmail.com> wrote:

> New to Clojure (but not Lisp).
> Does anyone have a good sense of the interest in machine learning in
> Clojure community?
> I've seen in the last few threads some interesting posts and libraries
> related to machine learning, and there is plenty of stuff one can get from
> Java (mahout, weka, clj-ml [
> http://antoniogarrote.github.com/clj-ml/index.html]), but I'm curious to
> know if anyone here has a sense of the overall community interest.
> It's nice to see interesting libraries that support needed tasks for
> machine learning (I'm all for links to libraries), but what I'm really
> trying to get is* a sense of the overall interest the community has in
> machine learning*. For example, Python community overall has a lot of
> interest in scientific computing and machine learning. Compare this to
> Ruby... not that you couldn't provide good libraries in Ruby (for example
> the SciRuby project), but the Ruby community overall does not seem to have
> much interest in these kinds of academic pursuits.

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