On Jun 24, 9:20 pm, Jacobo Polavieja <jacobopolavi...@gmail.com>

> My current development environment is that: Sublime Text 2 editor with
> the fabulous SublimeREPL plugin to be able to copy code into the Clojure
> As absurd as it may seem... I can't find the combination of keys to send
> functions or selected code to the REPL.

I just googled:

There is the solution: add the following
// Executes a selection of text in REPL, latter only displays code and
does not execute
{ "keys": ["ctrl+shift+r"], "command": "repl_transfer_current",
"args": {"scope": "selection"}},

into your "Preferences / Key Bindings - User"

(verified: works in Sublime 2 for Windows)

Zmi La

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