
Using JavaScript from ClojureScript is very straightforward.
There are a few points where interop is awkward, but that wasn't the main 
reason I wrote a new library (in Clojure).

There were two primary motivations for that.

1) We needed a visualization library that would work on the server (to have 
direct database access, headless SVG rendering, &c.) as well as on the 

2) There are some fundamental semantic limitations with D3. Specifically, 
mapping a single datum to multiple or nested elements is very difficult.
In C2/Hiccup, it's all just function composition and manipulation of 
standard data structures, so code ends up being much more succient and 

As to your larger point: you will always be able to use JS libraries from 
Using them from ClojureScript will never be as natural as using them in 
JavaScript, but you may find that much of the value from such 
libraries---structuring your application code, manipulating collections, 
rich data structures, and so on---already exist natively in ClojureScript.

That said, ClojureScript is young and there aren't a lot large, open source 
clientside applications that you can look to for guidance.
If you are just getting into clientside web development, it might be easier 
to do in JS / CoffeeScript just because you can probably find some good 
examples that solve 90% of your specific problem = )



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