Thanks for your input, I appreciate it.

On Friday, April 20, 2012 10:16:51 AM UTC-5, kurtharriger wrote:
> And you just need to keep the resulting state, no need to reapply the 
> moves.  
> Your main method might use a reduce or loop recur.
> (loop [game (new-game)]
>   (if-not (complete? game) 
>     (recur (make-random-move game)))

The problem I have with this is that it does encapsulate game state 
completely, including input (the moves), but I want to just encapsulate 
board state.  Imagine that the moves come from an external source, i.e. the 
web, my game state can't be stuck down in a function somewhere, the move is 
sent from the web, the game state is retrieved from somewhere (a session? 
 a database?), and updated with the incoming move.  I wasn't clear in 
stating my problem, but I want to decouple game state and board state for 
this reason.  And because that's where I'm headed, it might make sense for 
me to approach this using atoms as others have suggested.

I appreciate the different perspectives though, it's helping me understand! 

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