On Sun, Mar 25, 2012 at 8:36 PM, Cedric Greevey <cgree...@gmail.com> wrote:
> How often do we get "What are the differences among 100, 0144, and
> 0x64, and which should I use when?" ;)


#^{:foo 42} thingy vs. ^{:foo 42} thingy;
(deref foo) vs. @foo;
#'bar vs. (var bar);
#(+ %2 (* 2 %1)) vs. (fn [a b] (+ b (* 2 a)));
'quux vs. (quote quux);
:user/baz vs. ::baz (in ns user);
(cons mumble some-seq) vs. (conj some-seq mumble);
and probably others. :)

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