Okay, thanks. I think the library I interface with is using
I might need to reset the logging configuration. I recall something like
that in the past like
On , Mark Rathwell <mark.rathw...@gmail.com> wrote:
> You still need to load the properties and tell the logger to use them.
> Assuming it is using log4j, something like the following should do
> that (completely untested though):
> ...
> (:require [clojure.java.io :as io])
> ...
> (with-open [s (io/input-stream (io/resource "logging.properties"))]
> (org.apache.log4j.PropertyConfigurator/configure
> (doto (java.util.Properties.)
> (.load s))))
I should have noted: Unless the library you're using is already
checking for and loading a resource called "logging.properties", in
which case it should work just by dropping in the properties file in
the resources directory.
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