> My Python code is much more declarative than the given
> cKanren code in that regard. Just compare: 
> http://dosync.posterous.com/another-taste-of-ckanren

I don't think you understand what declarative programming is at its
core. Declarative programming

To borrow from the ever-present wikipedia:
"declarative programming is a programming paradigm that expresses the
logic of a computation without describing its control flow.[1] Many
languages applying this style attempt to minimize or eliminate side
effects by describing what the program should accomplish, rather than
describing how to go about accomplishing it.[2] This is in contrast
with imperative programming, which requires an explicitly provided
algorithm." (see: Declarative Programming)

This is where the cKanren code succeeds where the Python code fails.
The Python code is all algorithm, and no facts. While the cKanren code
is a direct implementation of the facts about the problem: one stone
must be 1lb all stones should equal 40lb, etc. The cKanren code leaves
the interpretation of these facts up to the logic engine, while the
Python code sets strict guidelines that the compiler must follow. If,
for instance, it was faster for a given computer to count down from
instead of counting up, the Python code would run much slower, by
defining the algorithm (by using range, and for loops), you're
restricting the interpreter to your view of how to solve the problem.
The cKanren compiler/interpreter/whatever is free to solve the problem
in any way it pleases, as long as the requirements (facts) are met.
The original problem states "find 4 numbers that equal 40 but a
combination of any of which can be 1 through 40" it says nothing of
range sequences, for loops, etc.


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