Sounds lile you could use Midje's tabular tests.  Or if you want write a
acro to generate a tabular fact.  Tje tabular fact will give you good
On Nov 8, 2011 1:44 PM, "AndyK" <> wrote:

> I finally had a chance to try this out and it fails with
> error: java.lang.ClassCastException: java.lang.String cannot be cast
> to clojure.lang.IObj
> Compilation failed.
> When I substituted in something like this...
> (defn prn-form [n scenario]
>  `(prn ~(str "foo" n) (prn ~(str n " :: " scenario))))
> the file did compile.
> Is the fact that deftest is also a macro going to cause a problem with
> the original idea?
> On Nov 2, 8:36 am, Nate Young <> wrote:
> > On 11/01/2011 03:05 PM, AndyK wrote:
> >
> > > How would (run-tests 'my-namespace) know to run all thosedynamic
> > > tests? I thought that it parsed the namespace for 'my-namespace when
> > > you call it. Or is it that the call to defcsvtests sets off a chain of
> > > macro resolutions before run-tests can even do its thing (so that it
> >
> > Right. Its that the macro-expansion phase actually reads from the csv
> > file in order to create a number of deftest forms, and each one then
> > gets evaluated, so after you've evaluated (defcsvtests), then
> > (run-tests) will be able to find a number of tests to run.
> --
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