How would (run-tests 'my-namespace) know to run all those dynamic tests? I thought that it parsed the namespace for 'my-namespace when you call it. Or is it that the call to defcsvtests sets off a chain of macro resolutions before run-tests can even do its thing (so that it appears to run-tests like a file full of deftests)?
On Oct 31, 9:56 am, Nate Young <> wrote: > On 10/28/2011 09:42 AM, AndyK wrote:> I am setting up tests with clojure.test > that are driven by a CSV where > > each line represents one test case. Right now, there is a single > > deftest function that runs all the assertions. That's ok but creates > > reporting like 1 test was run with 1000s of assertions. Clojure being > > so dynamic, is it possible to create tests on-the-fly and run them > > where each dynamic test represents each row so that the reporting says > > X tests (where X == number of CSV rows). > > > I'm fairly new to clojure and quite unfamiliar with the ins-and-outs > > of clojure.test. > > Any pointers here would be appreciated. > > > Thank you > > It absolutely would be possible, and furthermore this is an area where > macros really shine. > > I would choose macros because from what you describe, it sounds like > you'd like to write a program that generates a bunch of deftest forms, > and then runs those tests. But you need language facilities like reading > from a csv file in order to do so. Clojure (and indeed all lisps) give > you this ability. > > You could write a macro that reads in the CSV file and for each line, > generates a deftest form. Below is a quick sketch of what it might look > like if your CSV file consisted of two columns of values that were > supposed to be equal to each other. > > (use 'clojure.test) > (require '[ :as io] > '[ :as csv]) > > (defn testdef-form [n [expected actual]] > `(deftest ~(str "testfromline" n) > (is (= ~expected ~actual)))) > > (defmacro defcsvtests [filename] > (with-open [in-file (io/reader "in-file.csv")] > (let [testdefs (csv/read-csv in-file)] > `(do ~@(map testdef-form (iterate inc 1) testdefs))))) > > (defcsvtests "test-cases.csv") -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Clojure" group. To post to this group, send email to Note that posts from new members are moderated - please be patient with your first post. To unsubscribe from this group, send email to For more options, visit this group at