The following will work for GMail users. I expect that many mail clients
have similar functionality.

In Mail Settings > Labels create a new Label for ClojureScript. I nested it
below Clojure in my settings.
In Mail Settings > Filters create a new filter for ClojureScript. Set the
criteria to To:, Has the Words: ClojureScript

If you already have a Clojure Label and Filter:
In Mail Settings > Filters edit your existing Clojure filter and add the
value "ClojureScript" in the Doesn't Have field.

This is a fairly good substitute for two separate lists.

Hope someone finds my suggestion useful.


On Sun, Aug 14, 2011 at 7:18 AM, Alan D. Salewski <> wrote:

> On Thu, Jul 28, 2011 at 12:36:08PM -0500, Devin Walters spake thus:
> > I don't think there has been a significant enough influx of mail on the
> list to warrant the creation of a new, separate list. There are so many
> similarities between the two that I think we'd run into situations where
> people felt that the ClojureScript list was getting too much Clojure in it.
> The division between the two is thin enough to make me think we should keep
> one list.
> >
> > In addition, almost all of the mail I've seen on the Clojure list has
> been relevant to both Clojure and ClojureScript in general. There are some
> exceptions for items I believe fit the clojure-dev list better, and some
> exceptions for items I don't believe fit this (or any) list at all, but I
> have a feeling these are just some minor growing pains that will work
> themselves out as time goes on.
> >
> > After all, the announcement is pretty fresh. Let's let the dust settle a
> bit before we go and try to grow another head.
> >
> > Devin
> I'll inc /that/.
> -Al
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