On Saturday, May 14, 2011 4:48:03 PM UTC-4, James Reeves wrote:
> On 14 May 2011 20:49, Shree Mulay <shree...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > One final thought I had is I've noticed if I reload a page, the
> > session information is lost. How do we get around this?
> You could use defonce to define an atom to back the session storage. e.g.
>   (require 'ring.middleware.session.memory)
>   (defonce memory (atom {}))
>   (def app
>     (-> main-routes
>       (wrap-session {:store (memory-store memory)}))
> Perhaps session memory-stores need to use defonce by default.
> - James

Dear James, et al.,

Since I updated to ring 0.4.5, I noticed that I didn't have the session 
disappearing when I reloaded the page. Does this mean that I don't need to 
back up the session state anymore? Or what has changed?



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